| | FullDip® 400ml Aerosol
1 Nozzle Included
Recommended base: - BLACK |
| | FullDip® 400ml Aerosol
1 Nozzle Included
Recommended base: - NARDO GREY |
| FullDip® 400ml Aerosol
1 Nozzle Included
Recommended base: - BLACK |
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311gr / 400ml Aerosol
Matte finish
Recommended BASE : GREY |
| | FullDip® 400ml Aerosol
1 Nozzle Included
Recommended base: - N/A |
200ml coloured drop-in, is easy to create the (custom) colours you want |
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200ml coloured drop-in, is easy to create the (custom) colours you want |
| | PURE unthinned PlastiDip
GENUINE USA made dip
Factory sealed tin |
| Drop-In to colour a CLEAR
PlastiDip or FullDip |
| | PURE unthinned PlastiDip
GENUINE USA made dip
Factory sealed tin |
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| | |
| | | PlastiDip Spray - Ready To Spray
GENUINE USA made dip
Factory sealed tin
Colour Kit with tinter
No thinning required |