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The UK's home of peelable, sprayable paint since 2012
Pure PlastiDip 5 Litre YELLOW

Pure PlastiDip 5 Litre YELLOW

(Code: trdpdpure5lyel)
(30 Item(s) In Stock)


£ 54.00

Comes in a UK 5 Litres container
Requires Thinning to make sprayable
Will require thorough mixing as stood for a long time


Clearance or part used tub of PlastiDip® or liquid wrap. And LIMITED stock


Usually part left overs from a job we completed or a discontinued line we no longer sell.

All sealed and perfect condition.

Recommend filtering as will be dried particles around the neck, that might drop in when opened.

We would have NO reservations in using it here, indeed we may actually use it and if we do use it, it be removed from here.

NO guarantee given, implied and NO returns on these items.

Tins / containers may be dirty / dusty or have marks. Labels may be damaged.

Great prices to clear some space for new lines.

Not a colour you want? Simply use this as a basecoat. A cheaper way to build the layers up.

A good cheap way to practice your skills?

A cheap way to mix pure for a ratio you prefer?

When it’s / they’re gone, they’re gone


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