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FullCarX - Body, Tyres & Rims Degreaser

FullCarX - Body, Tyres & Rims Degreaser

(Code: fcx106)
FullCarX Body, Tyres & Rims Degreaser
£ 13.99
BODY, TYRES & RIMS DEGREASER by FullCarX. Degreaser specially designed for the treatment of metal areas with large amount of grease / dirt, such as bodies or wheels or motors. It is used in applications that need a thorough preliminary cleaning of greases in general, even to remove silicones or any very persistent residue.

Basic instructions for use:

Concentrated product. Dilute 50ml per liter of water, apply with microfiber, sponge or similar, leave to act if required and rinse with plenty of water.You can also apply directmanete for extremely dirty areas, wetting a cloth with water and applying it in the area to be degreased. Rinse with plenty of water. The use of protective gloves is advised for safety.

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