METALLIC - BRONZE FullDip Matte Metallic Bronze (shown). ALL colours are MATTE as standard. FullDip Metallic Bronze (shown). PLUS gloss topcoat (FullDip PRO Gloss shown). Metallic Bronze is a fairly popular colour. Scroll down to see all Metallic Bronze items. Click BUY to buy an item, or click on the picture to get more information about the product. INFO Metallic Bronze is a FullDip colour. We recommend using the grey primer base. This will give a matte finish. You can topcoat it with glossifier to alter the finish. Or our PRO gloss & matte finishes to add fuel resistance. APPLICATION 2 light dust coats of spraywrap primer grey. 2-3 wet coats primer grey. Then at least 3 or 4 full wet coats of the Metallic Bronze Aerosols Self explanetory, shake and spray. This is a FullDip colour and available in FullDip aerosols. Plastidip® aeros 100% need warming. We also recommend you do with the FullDip aerosols too. Its a good habit to get into with ANY aerosol. tbh Wheel Kits Will give you the base colour and colour to acheive the requested (shown above) colour. Come in a matte or gloss finish See our wheel kit explanation HERE These kits will usually do upto a set of 19" front faces perfectly. Metallic Bronze is not available in tinters or 4 litres sprayable yet. FullDip® This is a FullDip colour.Wheel Kits Wheel kits upto 19" (front face) you would require 2x primer base and 3x Metallic Bronze To make glossy add 1-2 of these; Rememeber to leave the above dip 24 hours to cure properly! Miscellaneous - Suggested Addons |